{Transonic Speed Flutter Analysis of a Rectangular Wing using the OpenFOAM Computational Fluid Dynamics Code and the Dynamic Stiffness Method}
H I Kassem and J R Banerjee.
Transonic Speed Flutter Analysis of a Rectangular Wing using the OpenFOAM Computational Fluid Dynamics Code and the Dynamic Stiffness Method.
In The Fifteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing. Civil-Comp Press, 2015.
@inproceedings{kassem2015flutter, author = "Kassem, H I and Banerjee, J R", booktitle = "The Fifteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing", year = "2015", title = "{Transonic Speed Flutter Analysis of a Rectangular Wing using the OpenFOAM Computational Fluid Dynamics Code and the Dynamic Stiffness Method}", organization = "Civil-Comp Press" }